Paid Campaigns
Pay Per Click or Paid campaigns, whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter or Google platforms is the fastest way of getting results and conversion.Google Ads
Our Google Adwords Certified Professionals will ensure you get prime advertising spots for your keywords by:
- Setting up your Adwords account
- Keyword analysis and organization
- Keyword and Geography targeted campaigns
- Effective ads copyrighting
- Performance analysis
- Conversion Checking
- Eliminating irrelevant clicks that
- waste money

It’s applicable for all types of businesses because every display is targeted. And because you only pay per click, budget is easy to control allowing maximum Return on Investment.
Why should you should give Paid Campaigns a chance?
- 89% of consumers turn to search engines to find information on products, services and businesses before making a purchase.
- 79% of consumers follow brands on social networking sites to get more information.
Just Click Below!
Success Stories

Jon Dean
Spoonfed Fitness
“I was concerned about the cost of building a website for my new business but Coffeebot was able to provide a service beyond my expectations. I’ll be sticking with CoffeeBot, lucky to have found them.”

Tony Sherman
Implementation Guru
Working with VAs is always an initial bumpy experience, so you need to find a team committed to your success, they are. Finally a team I want to go the long-haul with.” ~

Warren Cassell Jr
Chairman of the Abella Group LLC
“No task was ever too great for the folks at CoffeeBot to take on. The high level of professionalism, in addition to their swift turnarounds always made my experience with the company extremely pleasurable.”